For many years I have been shooting with Canon EOS DSLR cameras. The first digital camera was an EOS 10D that I bought in 2003. After shooting a few years with this camera and being happy, I had the chance to upgrade to an EOS 1Ds Mark III - what a monster of a camera! I really liked the handling, the image quality and the full frame sensor. Unfortunately this camera was stolen on the last day of a trip to the solar eclipse in Kenya, sitting in the hotel having breakfast in Nairobi. Don't ask... luckily all eclipse images were saved to an external harddrive. Many personal pictures though were lost, too.
Being undecided whether to switch the system then completely to a Nikon DSLR or even a mirrorless Sony Alpha camera, I decided to stay with a Canon DSLR, keep all lenses that I have and bought the Canon EOS 1Dx DSLR that I am still very happy with today.
Camera lenses that I use or used for the DSLR:
Of course a lot more photography equipment and accessories are needed when you are on tour for a shooting...
Since astro-photography is also one of my passions, some specialized equipment for this is also required. Here I use a Skywatcher EQ-6 German equatorial mount that allows for mounting different telescopes. Depending on the desired object in the sky either the DSLR lenses can be used or a 80mm f/5.5 triplet APO or RC 8" f/8 OTA is used.
A cooled monochrome CCD from Moravian Instruments with 8 megapixel with electronic filter wheel allows for deepsky imaging.
Please also check the tipps, tricks and equipment review page for more details and some examples.
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